Hillary spox: Former Sec. of State “knew nothing” of allegations of dept. misconduct

In response to yesterday’s report from CBS News regarding allegations of cover-ups of State Dept. misconduct under then- Sec. of Hillary Clinton’s watch, here’s what her spokesman had to say (bolded emphasis added by me):

On Tuesday, Nicholas Merrill, a spokesman for Hillary Clinton, said Clinton was completely unaware of any of the investigations mentioned in the Office of the Inspector General’s reports and memos, including the case involving her personal security detail allegedly soliciting prostitutes.

“We learned of it from the media and don’t know anything beyond what’s been reported,” Merrill told CNN in a written statement.

Clinton officially left her post in February.

But of course. No one who has ever worked in a senior position FOR or IN this administration ever knows anything – from Attorney General Eric Holder, to IRS director of Exempt Organizations Lois Lerner, to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, to the President himself! My friend AG Conservative said it best:

Indeed. Just one more on a looooong list of reasons why Hillary Clinton should never be President of the United States.

Obama, Holder, Clinton
(Image via The Astute Bloggers)

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