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July 2013, Page 8

Richard Cohen: In #gztrial aftermath, it’s time America STOPPED ignoring urban crime

My mind has been a mosh pit of thoughts on this topic ever since the story of the tragic confrontation between Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman first hit the national spotlight, and my thoughts on urban crime have increased tenfold in the aftermath of Zimmerman’s “not guilty” verdict. Β Our President, the DOJ, and the other Usual Race-Baiting Suspects like Rev. Al and Jesse Β have continued to make the Zimmerman case as one about self defense and gun laws, and – of course – racism, ignoring the fact that Zimmerman used his gun lawfully in defense of his person, and also conveniently side-stepping the fact that all signs point to Zimmerman not coming remotely close to being a racist (he was a mentor to black teens, for starters)......   [Read More]