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Crime, Page 9

Aurora #TheaterShooting: Another very painful reminder about the fragility of life

In the aftermath of today’s horrific events in Aurora, CO which left 12 dead and close to 60 injured, Kathleen McKinley has written a beautiful postΒ Β in tribute to Jessica Ghawi, who went by the name @JessicaRedfield on Twitter. Β Jessica was an aspiring sportscaster who lived in Denver and was one of the 12 killed in this morning’s brutal murders inside the Century 16 theater at a midnight screening of “The Dark Knight Rises.”.....   [Read More]

Bad news for #Trayvon militants: FBI finds no evidence of #Zimmerman racism

Yet another week goes by in which militant liberal supporters of the state’s case against George Zimmerman in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin have to be disappointed. This time it’s over statements collected by the FBI in which they tried to determine whether or not there was evidence in existence that proved Zimmerman had a history of racism, which in turn could have led to the possibility of federal “hate crime” charges being leveled against Zimmerman in the event they thought they could prove he was motivated by Martin’s race. From the Orlando Sentinel:.....   [Read More]