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Personal, Page 22

My homebuying experience: miserable


What I had hoped would be an exciting experience in homebuying turned very sour for me in the month of September. The builders and I had some disagreements that could not be ironed out, the biggest among them some deception on the part of the original seller who is no longer with the company in terms of verbal promises made to me. I learned the hard way to always always always get a seller/builder’s promises in *writing* or it’s pretty much worthless. That is a mistake I won’t make the second time around......   [Read More]

Thursday and Friday

FYI, Thurs and Fri are going to be light blogging days for me – most of my blogging those days will be in the evening as I’ll be very busy during the day. I’ll be around when time permits to release comments and maybe to compose a post or two here and there but most likely I’ll be scarce …. just wanted to let ya know......   [Read More]