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Democrat Racial Hypocrisy, Page 11

Slap me, please.

I just got done sitting through over 6 minutes of a “debate” that happened earlier this week between View co-hosts Whoopi Goldberg and Elisabeth Hasselbeck on whether or not it’s ok to use the “n-word.” Goldberg’s opinion so upset Hasselbeck that she started to tear up a bit towards the end of the segment. Here’s the video:.....   [Read More]

Barack Obama’s cult of victimhood

ST reader GWR made a good point in an earlier thread about the idea that Barack Obama might have actually welcomed the controversial New Yorker cover, because it helped him play the victim card and in turn made him an even more sympathetic character to his supporters and undecideds than he had previously appeared.   I’d like to add some additional comments to GWR’s point......   [Read More]