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Racist Black Democrats, Page 15

NYC Councilman Charles Barron on Sean Bell’s death: It doesn’t matter that the person who shot him was black, advocates violence against police

A couple of days ago, I wrote about the shooting death of Sean Bell by police officers from the NYPD, and in that piece referenced Heather MacDonald’s write up about the incident which included a little-known fact about the shooting, and that was that the first policeman to take a shot at Bell’s car as it was moving towards them was a black officer, which puts a big dent in the theory that the shooting of Bell was “racially motivated.” .....   [Read More]

It’s ok to be a racist in the South – as long as you’re a black Democrat

Living in the South, white people – in particular white Republicans – are very sensitive about the issue of race relations. We routinely get slammed by white and black Democrats alike routinely on the grounds that they seem to believe there’s some growing underground movement here to bring back slavery, a ‘movement’ they think we’re all secretly a part of. I’ve documented numerous racist remarks made by black Democrats, remarks that the racists who say them are almost never held accountable for – not by their contituencies, nor the ‘unbiased’ MSM. Before I get started on the article that inspired me to write this post, for the record I’d like to document a couple of instances of past racial demagoguery as practiced by white Democrats as well:.....   [Read More]