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National Security, Page 26

When it comes to national security, Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) simply cannot be trusted

That’s not new news to anyone who is a longtime reader of this blog – and heck, for that matter, anyone who reads a newspaper. When he was an unranked member of the US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Senator Jay Rockefeller admittedly took a trip to three Middle Eastern countries – including Iraq ally Syria – and alerted them to his belief that the President had “already made up his mind” to go to war with Iraq. In 2005, after the NYT broke a story about the President’s use of warrantless wiretaps -which the NYT of course tried to portray as illegal, Rockefeller tried to act like he had been “helpless” to stop it, even though he’d known what was going on since 2003, and last year accused the President of “lying” about Iran’s nuclear intentions, even though anyone with a shred of a clue knows that Iran is not playing around when it talks about wanting to reconstitute its weapons program......   [Read More]