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Hurricane Katrina, Page 6

Cutting some pork out of the NC budget

Earlier, I blogged about the blogosphere’s efforts to give the US Congress some ideas for how to go about trimming some pork out of the federal budget in light of the announcement that the President doesn’t intend on raising taxes to help pay for the Katrina relief and reconstruction effort. He basically said Congress was going to have to get tough and trim some major pork from the budget. Glenn Reynolds ran with the ball and suggested Porkbusters, which is the blogosphere’s contribution to trimming pork So far, here are some of the logged responses from the blogosphere. .....   [Read More]

Help the federal gov’t trim the pork!

We know the costs of the relief and rebuilding efforts on the Gulf Coast as a result of Hurricane Katrina are going to go into the billions ($200B and probably more).   The President has said that taxes will not be raised in order to pay for the rebuilding but instead that Congress will have to take a long hard look at the budget and start trimming some pork.   This was especially interesting, considering that just a couple of days prior to the President saying that, House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-LaLa Land) declared an "ongoing victory" in Congress in terms of cutting fat in the federal budget......   [Read More]