Cartoon controversies from across the border
… in Canada. Via Lost Budgie:
The University of Saskatchewan publication The Sheaf chose not to publish the famous Mohammed cartoons “out of respect for Islam.”
They seem to have no problem at all though, publishing a cartoon of Jesus having oral sex with a “Capitalist Piglet”. In the second frame of the same cartoon, the piglet tells Jesus that the act is Kosher if he doesn’t swallow his mouthful of ejaculate – which is seen dripping from Jesus’ mouth.
If you can stomach it, click here to see the cartoon in question.
The won’t publish the ‘offensive’ Mohammed cartoons, but they’ll publish this?
Read more via Kate at small dead animals, who has posted an apology from University of Saskatchewan President Peter MacKinnon.
Related: Check out this cartoon. Sigh.
Prior Toldjah So posts on the Mohammed cartoons:
- Photos from the ‘support free speech and Denmark’ rally in NYC
- Oh please
- Hitchensville
- An odd pairing – Dershowitz and Bennett
- Media double standard on offending Muslims
- Fanatical Islamists wage war on the Internet over cartoons
- Hats off to the Daily Tarheel
- EU windbags considering ‘media code’ after cartoon controversy
- The anatomy of the cartoon jihad
- NYT publishes virgin Mary “art” – but not ‘offensive’ Mohammed cartoons
- Oh indeed – it’s definitely about hate!
- Iran paper to publish Holocaust ‘cartoons’
- Another US media double standard re: cartoons
- US media will print Abu Ghraib photos but not controversial cartoons
- Multicultural sensitivity and how it can have brutal consequences
- US sides with Muslims in cartoon controversy
- More European papers reprinting “offensive” Islamic cartoons
- Bomb threats made against Danish paper over Mohammed cartoons