One big, fat, glaring hypocrisy within the Occupy Wall Street movement

Occupy Wall Street photo courtesy of Joe Marino for NYDNI was on Twitter tonight conversing with friends about the whole craptastic Occupy Wall Street movement and how it’s turned into your standard garden variety grab bag of liberal whines & gripes. The pretense is that it’s about “the economy” and “corporate greed” but in reality you could take your pick of any number of far left complaints about “the system” (aka: conservatives/Republicans). Example: Condi Rice is in Charlotte tonight for a speaking engagement at the Blumenthal Performing Arts Center and the Occupy Charlotte Twitter account tweeted a message for people to join them in protesting “war criminal” Condi and demanding her arrest, in part, because, “”The Iraq War is major reason for this economic mess!” It’s like playing “Six Degrees to the Sucky Economy.”

Anyway, as I wrote last week, the local Occupy movement here has more or less been co-opted by the Anon global hacktivist group, which is not exactly surprising anymore as there is an Anon presence in your major big city Occupy “camps.” You’d think that an underground group responsible for hacking into the Pentagon, hacking into the Boston PD computer system to release the names of over a thousand police officers, hacking into major bank files and exposing hundreds of thousands of customers to invasions of privacy, etc would turn “Occupiers” off of Anons, but it’s just the opposite. In fact, “Occupiers” view Anons as “heroes” – as “modern day Zorros” – for allegedly doing what they can to help “restore the balance of power and fairness” or some other such similar liberal nonsense. Occupiers view Anons as “vigilante justice” types who bravely hack into the computer systems of international banks and corporations in order to “bring CEOs to JUSTICE!11!!!!111!!” When you explain to these people (and I’m not just talking about Occupy Charlotte, but other “Occupiers”) just how vile and invasive and criminal this type of behavior is, not to mention harkens back to an uncivilized Wild Wild West style of justice that is rejected by the vast majority of Americans (certainly not “the 99%”), they are quick to point to you that “Anonymous hackers exposed a porn ring!” and the like.

While it’s certainly good news that a porn ring has allegedly been busted up thanks, in part, to Anonymous hackers, there’s glaring hypocrisy component to their newfound support for vigilante justice that comes from Anons and bank occupiers – which I’ll get to in a minute.

Remember the shocking Occupy Oakland video I linked to yesterday where thuggish protesters stormed into a local Chase Bank lobby and essentially took it over, turning over furniture, throwing around bank papers, and making parasites of themselves while scaring bank visitors and employees? That’s NOT a bad thing, according to Occupiers, because, well, Chase Bank got bailout money but allowed homes to be foreclosed — and because of that, “they must be punished, and occupying a bank lobby is just one way we’re going to punish them!!!!!” These people have turned themselves into their own judge, jury, and executioner when it comes to banks. Frightening.

I wish I could tell you I’m kidding, but I’m not. There is a disturbing mob-rule, devil-may-care mentality to this crowd (surprise!) that, if it were a Tea Party trait, would be broadcast 24-7 all across the major news nets for weeks on end as part of a “national discussion” on the “decline of civil discourse.” But because “Occupiers” are mostly far left liberals who have “legitimate grievances” – according to President Obama himself – you see some of this on local news broadcasts, if at all, but certainly not nationwide. It doesn’t fit into the narrative liberals in the media want you to have of the Angry Left, so you’re not going to get to see it revealed in all its ugliness most of the time unless a “citizen journalist” gets documentation themselves and makes it available for viewing/reading to the general public.

It’s fascinating, when you think about it – the glaring hypocrisy on display here. Remember during the Bush era when liberals screamed bloody murder about terrorists at Gitmo like KSM not getting their “due process”? They decried that these Islamofascist thugs – who were captured on or close to the battlefield or in the act of helping plan, organize, and/or carry out the brutal murders of innocent people – were not given lawyers, a trial, and presumed innocent until proven otherwise in a court of law. Anyone who pre-judged these country-less murderers was viewed as a hateful, bigoted “Islamophobe” who supported a subversion of Constitutional law because we didn’t want to give non-citizen terrorists the same “rights” enjoyed by actual citizens of America. Eventually, as we know now, the system changed as liberals wanted it to, thanks in part to SCOTUS, and we’ve been none the better for it.

Fast forward to now: Liberals who called conservatives “Islamophobes” for supporting the Gitmo prison system for the types of brutes who wanted me and you dead, and “racists” for opposing the bailouts as proposed by President Obama (even though they also opposed them under Bush) are now against bailouts themselves … but not for the same reasons Tea Partiers were. It’s because they haven’t been “bailed out” themselves – and are demanding “justice.” What kind of justice, you might ask? Not via the US justice system, as we were told was the American way” and “imperative” for Gitmo terrorists to go through “back in the day.” Not by having bankers and other CEOs (who ARE US citizens) being given the due process they demanded we give non-citizen Gitmo terrorists. But by being the judge, jury, and executioners themselves. If they perceive you’ve wronged them, they feel they have the right to disrupt your life at home, at work, and anywhere else – all in the name of “social justice” … and all in spite of the “due process” system they were so fond of referencing when Bush (with the evil Condi as National Security Advisor) was in the WH. When you point out the dangers of this brand of vigilante “justice”, you are accused of being part of the problem and are more or less branded as unpatriotic.

In short: Non-pre-judgment, and due process for country-less Gitmo terrorists who want to kill us is a good thing. Non-pre-judgment and due process for fat cat bankers and CEOs who ARE US citizens?! UnAmerican!

This, my dear readers, is the bizarre country we now live in. Expect it to get worse.

Oh, and today’s fun-filled Occupy video comes from Occupy San Diego. Watch as some of the Occupiers encourage a dog to … chew up an American flag.

Can we question their patriotism yet?

Occupy Wall Street photo courtesy of Joe Marino for New York Daily News.

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