Things are getting really, really stupid in Congress

Even more so than usual.

I blogged on Friday about how the Soros-funded Media Matters, along with other far left groups, were attacking Rush Limbaugh by taking comments he made about “phony soldiers” like Jesse MacBeth out of context, and making it appear as though he was calling any soldier critical of the war a “phony soldier.”

Thanks to extensive lobbying by the Nutroots, Congressional Democrats today took to the floor to condemn Rush’s comments, with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid urging his colleagues to sign a letter calling on Clear Channel Communications to condemn Rush’s remarks. Included in Reid’s little speech? The chickenhawk argument:

“Rush Limbaugh went way over the line, and while we respect his right to say anything he likes, his unpatriotic comments cannot be ignored,” Mr. Reid, Nevada Democrat, said on the Senate floor.

He said there are “good, patriotic Americans” on both sides of the war debate, but Mr. Limbaugh “took it upon himself to attack the courage and character of those fighting and dying for him and for all of us.”

Mr. Limbaugh made the comment last week in response to a caller who complained that news organizations handpicked discontented soldiers to criticize the war effort, prompting the characterization “phony soldiers.”

Mr. Reid said Mr. Limbaugh, who never served in the military, thinks that “his opinion on the war is worth more than those who are on the front lines.

“And what’s worse — Limbaugh’s show is broadcast on Armed Forces Radio, which means that thousands of troops overseas and veterans here at home were forced to hear this attack on their patriotism. Rush Limbaugh owes the men and women of our Armed Forces an apology,” Mr. Reid said.

Rush’s response is here.

But Reid’s attack wasn’t the worst of it. Senator Tom Harkin had this to say about Rush (emphasis added):

Well, I don’t know. Maybe he was just high on his drugs again. I don’t know whether he was or not. If so, he ought to let us know. But that shouldn’t be an excuse.

Not only are these outrageous remarks from a sitting Senator on the floor of Congress, but there is an interesting irony here in that Harkin himself was a “phony soldier” (h/t: MM).

Supposedly, House Democrats were going to draft a resolution this afternoon calling on Congress to condemn Rush’s remarks. I haven’t seen anything on that, but I did read about the resolution introduced by Rep. Jack Kingston (R-GA) to commend Rush.

Look, as much as I can’t stand Media Matters and, and like Rush, these back and forth resolutions and speeches on the floor of Congress are a huge waste of time, in my opinion. Frankly, I think it’s stupid. I can understand the sentiment behind the resolution condemning MoveOn for the despicable “BetrayUs” ad, but I think Congress should spend it’s time doing the business of the country – more specifically, their districts – and leave the attacks, condemnations, and displays of support for pundits and political groups like outside of the House and Senate. This latest stunt is just payback for the MoveOn condemnation resolution. Had that not been pushed in Congress, I really don’t think we’d be seeing today’s push by Democrats for Clear Channel to slam Rush’s remarks, nor would we see Senators or Representatives wasting time on the floor issuing statements of support or protest.

Yes, they’re utilizing their right to free speech, but seem to have forgotten that with that freedom comes responsiblity. There is a global war on terror going on, and domestic issues galore to tackle, yet the House and Senate are spending time playing politics on the floor with political groups and pundits issuing declarations of support or condemnation for them? It’s one thing for them to attack each other, but it’s another altogether when they start making blatant political statements against political groups and pundits in their respective chambers. Run an attack ad on TV, or issue a statement on your website, but don’t clog up the floor of the House and Senate with this nonsense.

Save the playground antics for the playground. There’s already enough political gameplaying and grandstanding going on in Congress, and we certainly don’t need to add this to the list.

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