Favorite and least favorite GOP pres. contenders – plus other election news
John Hawkins recently polled conservative bloggers to find out which candidates they liked the most, and which ones they liked the least. The results can be read here.
My answers?
Most like to see:
1) Duncan Hunter
2) Mike Huckabee
3) Mitt Romney
4) Fred Thompson
5) Sam Brownback
Least like to see:
1) Ron Paul
2) Tom Tancredo
3) John McCain
4) Tommy Thompson
5) Rudy Giuliani
Of course, it’s still early on, and being one of the “none of the above” crowd, I haven’t made up my mind yet on who I’ll throw my support behind. No one has really captured my attention, outside of Rep. Duncan Hunter, and he’s not doing well at all in polls or fundraising – or press.
Related to the ’08 elections:
—- Slate reports that Rudy Giuliani’s daughter Caroline will be supporting Senator Barack Obama. I find this a pretty yawn-worthy story, but it’s getting lots of play over at Memeorandum.
—- Speaking of Obama, his support is steadily dropping. Perhaps his youth and inexperience are finally catching up with him? Nevada Democrats don’t seem to mind, but obviously, others do.
—- The NYT is reporting that Clinton and Obama aren’t speaking much in the Senate these days.
—- Fred Thompson is understandably ticked off at the media’s growing obsession with his wife Jeri, and has expressed his frustration and anger on the pages of NRO.
—- Also for Fred fans: the former TN Senator has relaunched his website with all kinds of new content. You can view/read it here.
—- Here’s a transcript of Sunday’s Republican presidential candidates debate, in case you missed it. The Fix’s Chris Cillizza posts his list of winners and losers from Sunday’s debate.
—- Watch video of a testy exchange between Mitt Romney and Des Moines talk show host Jan Mickelson as Romney defends being a Mormon.
Semi-related: La Shawn Barber blogs about the YearlyKos convention, where several of the Dem contenders appeared this past weekend, and points out the irony of a convention full of diversity-obsessed Democrats being comprised of mainly ….
… white, middle-aged men. LOL.