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August 2007, Page 8

Proof positive: The NYT editorial board lives in caves

I kept in mind while reading this editorial masquerading as a straight news piece that it was published in the NYT, but even at that, I was absolutely stunned to read their revisionist history tactics on the Vietnam war while at the same time bashing Bush over the head for his speech yesterday to the VFW on how we had to learn the lessons from Vietnam and not leave Iraq like we did ‘nam, or it would be just as disastrous. This part was especially breathtaking:.....   [Read More]

More on the Nutroots targeting of Blue Dog Democrats

A week ago, I blogged about a plan being cooked up by prominent far lefties in the Nutroots movement to target for ridicule and possible ouster from office moderate Democrats, including the Blue Dog and ‘New’ Democrats who helped form the Democrat majority last year, simply because they don’t toe the ‘progressive’ line on issues like Iraq, FISA, etc......   [Read More]

Clinton authorized “killing” of OBL? Not so fast

Remember that interview Fox News Sunday’s Chris Wallace did with Bill Clinton last September, in which an enraged, defensive, red-faced Clinton wagged his finger at Wallace, claimed he was there as part of a conservative set up, and attempted to ‘set the record straight’ on his admnistration’s ‘efforts’ at capturing or killing OBL? Let’s recap:.....   [Read More]