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Occupiers, Page 10

Why I’m pushing back so hard on #OWS – and why you should, too #OccupyCLT

You’ve probably noticed that for the last few weeks here at the blog, on Twitter, and at Facebook, I’ve been talking almost exclusively about the “Occupy” movement. It’s not that I don’t care about the other issues (and, yes, there are many!), but because I believe this is THE ideological battle of battles and that if Democrats/liberals win, we all lose – and this country as we know it will cease to exist. Β  You will see Twitter hashtags in some post titles now because everytime that post is shared on Twitter, it will also be shared on that hashtag......   [Read More]

#OccupyCLT Sign of the Day: “I quit my job to join my occupation”

Ah yes! Thanks to the wonders of modern technology, the so-called “leaderless movement” here in Charlotte now has a USTREAM channel filled with pure comedy gold. At times it’s hard to watch, because you don’t want to admit that people that radically liberal actually live in your home city. I still think my co-blogger, in an attempt to take his state back from Socialists, might have had a hand in deporting some of those California liberals to Charlotte … developing ….....   [Read More]