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Abortion, Page 7

Photographic evidence: #NCGA “feminist” group-think in action

Pro-abortion “feminists”, motivated – bizarrely enough – by a Maine state [Democrat] representative by the name of Β Rep. Diane Russell, organized a “Twitter bomb” of sorts today (for non-Twitter users, that means “spamming”) the governor of my state for signing into law a bill that will make abortion clinics in North Carolina safer for women. Β Instead of coming up with commentary for him that was original and creative they, well, used a canned response created by “the powers that be” and repeatedly spammed his account. Β The below screencap is just a SMALL sampling of the repeated use of the same couple of Β “condemnations” over and over again – some with the suspicious “egg” accounts … meaning accounts that likely are NOT real. SHOCKING!.....   [Read More]