Conyers promises a “new day” in Congress if Dems take control in November
Via the Detroit News:
WASHINGTON — If Democrats retake control of the U.S. House, black lawmakers, including Michigan’s John Conyers, will chair three of its most powerful committees, dramatically raising their collective clout and ability to shape the nation’s political agenda.
Their ascent also would apply brakes on many of President Bush’s priorities and threaten him with sweeping investigations into Iraq-related activities.
“It would be a new day,” said Conyers, a Detroit Democrat who is in line to head the House Judiciary Committee.
Yeah, I’ll say.
Another scary thought:
Two other black lawmakers are in line to take over full, and significant, committees: Charles Rangel of New York would lead the tax-writing Ways and Means Committee, and Bennie Thompson of Mississippi would chair the Homeland Security Committee.
Can you imagine John Conyers chairing the House Judiciary Committee? Rangel being over the Ways and Means Committee?
Conyers tried to pull the wool over everyone’s eyes (as did House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi) by attempting to downplay impeachment talk back in May – when he wrote that, I examined his past statements and actions on the issue of a possible Bush impeachment and found that Conyers was being, um, ‘less than truthful’ (to put it charitably).
The idea of Rangel and Conyers being in those positions should be enough to send Republicans to the polls in droves this fall, even if they’re not happy with their party in certain other areas. Although I should mention for the record that Rangel has threatened to resign if Republicans win this fall.
Either reason is a good enough reason to vote, as far as I’m concerned!
Here’s a rundown of some of Rangel’s more notable quotables: