Mike Huckabee: Overweight Michael Moore is an example of why healthcare is so expensive
LITTLE ROCK (AP) — The producer of Michael Moore’s documentary on the nation’s health-care system, “Sicko,” suggests that Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee’s criticism of the filmmaker may be motivated more by his need for campaign funds than his concerns for Americans’ health.
The former Arkansas governor told reporters in a conference call Wednesday that he hasn’t seen and probably won’t see Moore’s documentary “Sicko,” which calls for an overhaul of America’s health care system.
“Frankly, Michael Moore is an example of why the health care system costs so much in this country. He clearly is one of the reasons that we have a very expensive system. I know that from my own personal experience,” said Huckabee, who lost more than 110 pounds and became an avid runner after he was diagnosed with diabetes.
“I know how much more my health care cost when I didn’t take care of myself than when I do take care of myself, not only in terms of doctor visits but regular diseases, illnesses, chronic things that come up, monthly prescription bills,” Huckabee said. “All of those things have gone dramatically down since I’ve taken care of myself and worked to live a healthier lifestyle.”
I wouldn’t have stopped at the criticism of Moore’s obviously questionable health. I would have gone even further on the blame game kick, by stating that I personally think that if global warming could be blamed on man, then the bloviating Moore would be one of the top five people who’ve made the biggest (no pun intended) contributions to it.
I’m sure any moment the far left will be screaming that Huckabee was ‘making fun of’ Moore’s weight, when in actuality he wasn’t as the context proove. Besides, it would be rather silly of Huckabee to make fun of Moore’s weight, considering Huckabee himself was once overweight.
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