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October 2007, Page 5

Democrats chomping at the bit to implement Socialist agenda in 2009

We all know about the “top 3” Dem candidates’ various plans to implement socialized healthcare, and Dem frontrunner Hillary Clinton has made no secret about her plans to redistribute wealth in order to pay for the big government programs she’s advocating. Senator Ted Kennedy, while not running for president, nevertheless has also called for government-run healthcare......   [Read More]

Journalistic arrogance personified

It’s not a good day for the Sacramento Bee, as the blog post one of their reporters (Bobby Caina Calvan, from their Baghad bureau) wrote (which looks like its been deleted) about a soldier in Iraq who had never heard of the Knight Ridder news organization, has generated widespread attention for the arrogance it personifies from the MSM. You can read the recaptured, unedited post here, and background on the post here. .....   [Read More]