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September 11, Page 17

The war on Path to 9-11: Yet one more example of the left’s warped priorities

The latest news on the left’s all out assault on P2911 is that they are planning to launch a full scale PR war against ABC and Disney for deciding to air the film. The starting date? September 12th. My first thought was: why not go ahead and start it on the 11th? Afraid you’ll look ‘insenstive’, far lefties? Don’t bother with the worrying. You already look like insensitive, whiny, stupid jerks who don’t give a damn about the First Amendment right here at the anniversary of the attack that was the catalyst on launching a full-scale war on terror, a war that strives to not only root out the bad guys but also to advance the concept of democracy and a free society, something the far left has proven these last few days they don’t give a damn about, simply because they’re beside themselves with fury because a docudrama about 9-11 apparently paints their boy wonder Bubba and the rest of his adminstration in a bad light. Clinton’s bogus legacy must be preseved at any cost. This is very similar too the far left wanting the US to surrender in Iraq and come home, so the President can suffer a big defeat. America losing face in the world over a surrender means nothing to them, and the far left thinks it’s worth America losing face if it means Bush goes down. Priorities, you know......   [Read More]