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Search results for: "jake tapper", Page 12

Factchecking the “factcheckers”

Team Obama has released a 41-page PDF file in an attempt to rebut the claims author Jerome Corsi makes in his book Obama Nation about The Chosen One.  While it’s understandable that Barack Obama would want to get out in front on this and try to refute what was written before it becomes email legend, unfortunately for them their factcheck attempt has a few problems of its own, as Jake Tapper writes here.  Here’s one counter-point:.....   [Read More]

Someone please buy Joe Biden a clue – Second Request

Remember yesterday’s gaffe-filled diatribe by Obama surrogate Joe Biden regarding Middle East issues?  Well, Biden’s at it again today, and it has only gotten worse.  In response to the letter Senator Jim DeMint, a McCain surrogate, sent to Barry Oh! regarding his lack of holding a single policy/oversight hearing on Afghanistan since he was given the role of Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee’s Subcommittee on European Affairs back in January 2007, Biden wrote a letter addressed to Senator DeMint in an attempt to bunk DeMint’s claim:.....   [Read More]