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Search results for: "Moral Monday", Page 13

Tina Richards: The next Cindy Sheehan?

Rememeber a little over a month ago when Rep. David Obey (D-WI) laid the law down on a bunch of anti-war protesters who were hassling them in a hallway in Congress about de-funding the Iraq war? The woman he was talking to in the video was Tina Richards, the mother of a Marine who committed suicide after two tours in Iraq. As a refresher, I’d recommend that you re-read the transcript of their ‘conversation’ to get an idea just how ridiculous it was. Here’s the video, in case you want to watch it again:

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The Secular Islam Summit

I’m a couple days behind in blogging about this but I wanted to bring you up to speed on the Secular Islam Summit, which took place Sunday and Monday in St. Petersburg, FL. The Summit included noted Muslim critics of radical Islam like the very brave and outspoken Dr. Wafa Sultan, among others. Loads of information on what took place at the Summit can be found at Gateway Pundit’s blog and also from Dr. Rusty Shackleford at The Jawa Report, as they both liveblogged it. Here are links to some of their posts:.....   [Read More]

Cop killer’s name ordered off City University of NY’s ‘community and student center’

Yesterday, I blogged about some students at the City University of NY who have honored Assata Shakur, a convicted cop killer, as well as Puerto Rican terrorist Guillermo Morales at their ‘community and student center’ by naming the center after the fugitives, who are both currently residing in Cuba. The center has had this name since 1989, but the issue has only recently come to light......   [Read More]

Race-baiting liberal at the Detroit News blog accuses me of racism

It seems that my post from Monday in which I discussed my displeasure at the thought of Reps Rangel and Conyers being elevated to even higher positions of power and influence in DC if Democrats take control of the House this year rubbed some people the wrong way and in response led to accusations of racism (surprise). Libby Spencer at the Detroit News blog wrote this today:.....   [Read More]