She’s baaaaaaack
And she’s brought her ‘supporters’ along with her to harass the President for another summer:
CRAWFORD, Texas – A year after her first war protest in President Bush’s adopted hometown attracted thousands and reinvigorated the nation’s peace movement, Cindy Sheehan resumed her vigil Sunday.
Under the blazing Texas sun, Sheehan and more than 50 demonstrators again marched a mile and a half toward Bush’s ranch, stopping at a roadblock. As Secret Service agents stood silently, Sheehan held up her California driver’s license and said she wanted to meet with the president.
“It doesn’t say my new address, but I do live here now,” said Sheehan, who lives in Berkeley, Calif., and recently bought land in Crawford for war protests. “My name is Cindy and Bush killed my son.”
The group then chanted, “This is what democracy looks like! This is what democracy sounds like!” and a few people sang “This Land Is Your Land” while standing near the roadblock before returning to the protest site.
See photos of Cindy’s return here.
- Crawford not rolling out the welcome mat for Mother Sheehan
- Stalker Cindy buys 5 acres in Crawford, TX – with insurance money she rec’d from her son’s death in Iraq
- How to support the troops, part 2 – by Cindy Sheehan
- Jane Fonda: Cindy Sheehan is “better” at war protesting than she was/is
- Cindy Sheehan to speak at a high school in San Francisco
- Mother Sheehan arrested – again
- About Cindy’s arrest and the law she broke
- Cindy Sheehan to be in audience during the SOTU
- Run, Cindy, run!
- Cindy tells Spain: “Iraq is worse than Vietnam”
- ‘Supporting the troops’ – Sheehan style
- If You Write It They Will Come … (or not)
- The anti-war monument to Cindy Sheehan
- Sheehan plans to spread anti-war message overseas
- Smiling while being arrested
- Sheehan to hold meetings with Hillary, Kennedy, McCain, etc
- The latest Cindy Sheehan rant: “pull our troops out of occupied New Orleans”
- Pictures of counter-protest in Crawford
- Sheehan has two more “supporters”: Joe Wilson and Rev. Al Sharpton
- A word or two for the Sheehan hangers-on