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John Edwards, Page 6

Going for broke: John Edwards calls for rapid withdrawal from Iraq

With one day left before the Iowa caucuses, His Royal Phoniness, currently on a 36 hour ‘marathon tour’ of Iowa (lucky Iowans!), is making a desperate last pitch to Iowa Democrats for their vote by unveiling a ‘new and improved’ Iraq withdrawal plan that would quickly pull out most US troops who are training Iraqi forces, as part of an overall strategy of withdrawing most troops within ten months of his (hoped for) election as president (h/t: James Joyner):.....   [Read More]

Journalism student reports on Edwards campaign HQ, campaign issues access threat in response

It seems like hardly a week goes by when we aren’t hearing about another blunder occurring within the Edwards for president campaign. The latest happened after a graduate student from UNC-Chapel Hill did a report for a UNC-CH’s student-run television program that questioned whether or not it was a smart move for Edwards’, who fancies himself as a champion of sorts for the poor, to have his campaign HQ in a wealthy section of town in Chapel Hill. The Raleigh News and Observer reports (emphasis added):.....   [Read More]