At last! The Dems have an Iraq war plan

I was about to log off to go work out when I came across the following info that I felt compelled to post about:

Desperately trying to move away from the widespread belief that the Democratic party – on the verge of being completely taken over by stark-raving Bush-hating anti-war nutroot moonbats – has become the party of cut and runners, DNC Chair Howie Dean, in a stunning display of candor, revealed tonight to MSNBC’s Chris Matthews exactly what the real Dem plan is for Iraq.

Greg Tinti has the must-read part of the transcript. Here’s a sneak peek:

MATTHEWS: How about in a year? How about in five years? How about in 10 years? Can you narrow it down?

DEAN: No. I think the big difference between the Democrats and Republicans on this one is we know we shouldnΓ’β‚¬Λœt be there. The Republicans insist on being there. And furthermore, if youΓ’β‚¬Λœre one of the 61 percent of Americans who disagrees with the president, the vice president and the president think youΓ’β‚¬Λœre a sympathizer with Al Qaida. This administration is looking more and more ridiculous every day.

MATTHEWS: Let me question your position: You say not right away.

WhatΓ’β‚¬Λœs to be gained by us staying in that country another six months?

DEAN: We need to withdraw carefully and thoughtfully. As you know, weΓ’β‚¬Λœre talking about redeploying our troops. WeΓ’β‚¬Λœre talking about keeping a force in some country in the Middle East to maintain, to deal with the terrorism problem that the presidentΓ’β‚¬Λœs problems have created.

So I donΓ’β‚¬Λœt think weΓ’β‚¬Λœre talking about a precipitous withdrawal.

But I think that most Democrats would agree that we ought to be out of there by the Γ’β‚¬Λœ08 elections.

MATTHEWS: Well, whatΓ’β‚¬Λœs to be gained by staying? I still donΓ’β‚¬Λœt get your point. YouΓ’β‚¬Λœre saying we shouldnΓ’β‚¬Λœt get out now, so youΓ’β‚¬Λœre saying we should stay.

DEAN: What IΓ’β‚¬Λœm sayingβ€”no…

MATTHEWS: Why should we stay in Iraq? I donΓ’β‚¬Λœt get the point.

DEAN: No, no, Chris, IΓ’β‚¬Λœm not, of course, making any suchβ€”as you know very well that IΓ’β‚¬Λœm not arguing that we should stay in Iraq.

Howie D reveals even more later in the interview … make sure to read it all.

More: Pelosi’s on a similar wavelength – not so much on Iraq, but on the ‘strong on security’ angle. Apparently next week’s talking points have been issued early.


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